A little about myself, I never thought I’d be living the life I’m living today. This was all just a daydream, always working in hospitality industry and leading some of the most luxurious hotels in the world. I was afraid to leave behind what I knew, and I was scared that I wouldn’t be OK without my giant pay cheques or the material possessions I used to rack up. I’ve learned there’s nothing wrong with being afraid, but at some point, you have to decide what you’re going to do and if you are going to reach for your dream and avoid your fear. I allowed my passion for yoga to let it guide me to this new life and now that I’m here, I realize how much happier I am, how much better I can show up and be there for my family and my friends, and how much healthier my relationships and personal well-being are — and that’s worth more than any salary to me. Instead of buying random things I didn’t need, I invested my time and money in books, workshops and training that helped enrich and expand my mind. Since I was no longer indebted to a job that had me tethered to emails and calls at all hours of day and night (and sometimes even weekends and annual leave), I enrolled in 200 hours of yoga teacher training. This was a fantasy I’d had for years but never seriously considered pursuing because there was simply no time. Suddenly it not only seemed possible, it was actually happening. Here I am now an experienced yoga teacher, certified by Yoga Alliance, and trained by the renowned Himalaya Yoga School in India. I have undertaken further training with The Institute of Yoga to specialise in teaching Yoga for Breast Cancer. I continue to develop my learning through attending development classes with my own inspirational teachers, as well as workshops with international teachers. With a deep respect for yoga philosophy and anatomy, I combine my studies of traditional yoga and breath technique with developmental movement, storytelling, and mindfulness application for the modern day.
To love what I do now and love the life that I share with those around me and who practise with me, I am grateful.